
my first homemade chocolate

hi everyone! hope all are fine and busy but try to unwind sometime with fun and leisure. For the past few days, I have been having some problems with my wifi connection and golly I have literally done some work which I would have never completed in time. I am sure if you are in the same position you would have done the same thing.

I made my first homemade chocolate today, the recipe I sourced from my ever handy Google Search. Even though my kitchen literally looked like an exploded chemistry lab and I also ruined the first batch, I was finally able to get the second batch right and I added coffee powder to that mixture to get the dark choc kind of taste. The second batch turned out to be fabulous and was wiped off from the plate by my little devils (including hubby dearest) in a second.  I was quite proud of myself today for making the chocolate, but at the same time was stunned to see that I am capable of such things. Anyways even though I don’t have much of a point here, the thing is that if a stuck up wifi can make you do such things, just imagine the possibilities of a switched off wifi.

Hope you don’t get cross with me for this mindless chatter and I hope that brings a smile or a funny thought when you read this post. If this post puts a smile on your face, I would be the happiest person.

Oh, one more thing I have decided to forgo my mutual fund blog because I am unable to devote time to do the research and provide the accurate facts. Sorry for that too.

As usual Namaste, Au Revoir, Sayonara and Vanakkam to my readers out there where ever you are and whoever you are.

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